A geek-centric take on entertainment with a conscience for bettering the world around us. Below is a little about each of us who do things here. Nothing here is singularly focused and so the ingredients are diverse. If the distilled word soup of video and tabletop games, movies, books, and the broader world piques your interest, then please stay tuned. We assure you that portions will be generous.

Editor-In-Chief, Content Director
Writing is a relaxing way to let my thoughts breathe. I don’t have a singular writing focus, but I value games, tech, travel, and good friends. I created this website in October 2023.

Editor, Not-A-Bird
Hi! I’m Realeo! I like laundry-scented candles, haunted houses, Mardi Gras parades, the sound of Bob Ross’s voice, LED lights, and an assortment of other things. I’m happy to be here talking with myself–and perhaps with you.
Legal Team
Meow. I am a cat.