Categories: Board Games

The Narcissism of Small Differences: The Distractions in Games

Twelve years ago I watched Adam Sessler talk about the necessity of throwing away all of his physical game cases. He had a phrase that stuck with me ever since, the “fetishization of minutia.” Sessler spoke of how games emphasizing special editions and unique DLC take away from the cultural conversations around games. Ultimately, he expressed that he felt everyone was being manipulated and missing the experience of just playing our games and not focusing on hypersensitivities.

I’m no saint speaking from a podium of purity. A couple of years ago, I was begrudgingly all in on the predatory Crown Store in The Elder Scrolls Online. I was played and felt awful for having participated in a part of what is an otherwise lovely game. I am not unsympathetic to appreciating the desire or hyper focus on wanting something. I have a shelf of unopened board games that knows this too well.

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10 Reasons to Play Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery

I cannot begin to describe how much I enjoy Spartacus. It is the opposite of the kind of joined hands I normally love; if there is an opposite to cooperation, then this is it. Lie and scheme your way to victory, or to nearly ending your relationship.

That all being said, it is a hard game to come by if you are a completionist. You will either have to work hard to find the original edition and its expansions, or try for the newer 2020 version that is identical except in its artwork and having not had the expansions released yet. Without further delay, lets discuss…

Reason #1: Wagers

Place your bets!

You can bet on fights, even if you are not involved. You can even take the risky bet that someone is decapitated for a 2 to 1 return!

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