What the heck did I just watch. Was I dreaming? Never again.
Categories: Movie and Series Reviews, 1/5
Afraid (2024) 1/5
Lacking imagination in almost every department, I can’t think of a reason to watch Afraid. Hoping the culmination of events will deliver a worthwhile payoff is a fools errand. Only more unimaginative nonsense awaits.
Open Grave (2013) 1/5
The movie ropes you in with questions early on and then visibly fights so hard to maintain the illusion for the rest of the flick. It gets tiresome quick and the surprise is not at all surprising.
The Island (2005) 1/5
Gosh this movie is so dumb, extending well beyond stupid-fun. Unnecessary scenes, poor cinematography, confused acting, and everything else that can go wrong. Nothing is surprising, not that it tries to be because it is all delivered with a clowns hammer.
What an absolute waste.
Looking Glass (2018) 1/5
That was certainly a movie. Two actors I enjoy couldn’t save this over simplified and yet somehow convoluted mess. Shelve this and just go watch Bad Times at the El Royale to get a similar but better fix.
Unfrosted (2024) 1/5
I can’t find a reason to encourage anyone to watch Unfrosted. Technical movie making keeps it from escaping falling any lower, but be not deceived, the movie is dreadful.