Categories: Movie and Series Reviews, Crime

Wolfs (2024) 3/5

A mediocre story, pulled beyond that by its cast. The first act is the best, a lot more methodical, but it gets a bit too loose at times. I think there was an opportunity to keep momentum with the two exchanging more tricks, but all is not lost even when it loses itself a bit.

Would I rewatch it? Probably not. I also don’t feel like I wasted time though.

Trap (2024) 2/5

The twist is how much you are tricked into listening to the young Shyamaln’s music. This is what I imagine a dark and edgy movie from early 2000’s Disney channel would look like. I’m just so surprised at the lack of polish and how many times things happen because the writer wanted them to rather than them making sense. Hartnett is the only cast given a chance to stretch his legs a bit and he does so admirably, but he is held back by the script and execution. If you are like me, you will want to leave the concert just as bad as our villain does.

The Bikeriders (2023) 3/5

At times it feels like an emulation of a bunch of others movies or people, and it feels like it stays in the shallows.

In no time at all, pictures from this movie will be all over Facebook with macho quotes overlaid.

Longlegs (2024) 3/5

It is a bold movie but I felt like a lot was being overlooked. Mostly characters not acknowledging obvious things and not acting on their motivations like it would seem they should.

It was not all bad for me though, but the aggravations are akin to bad horror. Which is a shame, because so much of the movie is leagues above schlocky horror.