Categories: Movie and Series Reviews, Drama

The Knick: Season 1 and 1/2 of Season 2 (2014-2015) 3/5

The Knick is treated to an excellent cast and some incredible direction leads to scenery that is captured in fantastic ways. However, I couldn’t bring myself to finish the series even after so much time invested. It was just sitting there, and I did not want to look at it.

There is an interest in the first season that is inherent. Seeing medicine in a period of time and without reservations is compelling. The drug fueled medicine feels unique, even in a world where House exists. Clive Owen, the shows center-focused lead, is both awful and endearing as he threatens to sew a nurses mouth shut. None of the other cast members are slouching either.

Still though, season 2 just was not the same for me. The concerns of the show seemed to have changed and my interest went with it. I think I deserve credit for sticking it out, I believe, a good five or six episodes before sort of wandering off. I had the time, but I just did not want anymore. Perhaps if it were sewn as tightly as the first season.

Old Henry (2021) 5/5

Old Henry feels like a throwback to rarely seen westerns. It lacks a lot of flash and for some that could feel as tired as Henry himself feels, but I think this western works so well because it keeps things simple.

Tim Blake Nelson gives an amazing performance, capturing a look and feel that sells the character. The supporting cast is no slouch either.

If anyone has patience for an economical story like this, then they will not regret it. The director and writer, Potsy Ponciroli, is someone to look out for. This is a movie that could bridge the gap between grandmas wanting to watch their westerns and the modern movie goer.

Fallen (1998) 2.5/5

Carried largely by an idea and a stellar cast, Fallen is unable to bear the weight of talent. People like to do hypotheticals about movies that could use a remake, and this is a high candidate in my opinion.

Despite its failings, its uniqueness make it still an enjoyable watch and I am a sucker for its vibes. If only it were a little tighter in its writing, rethought its camera tricks, and came across just a bit smarter.

Speak No Evil (2024) 3.5/5

The theme of masculinity runs through the film, and I can see a lot of people misplacing frustration at certain characters actions and missing the point. It is definitely more of a slow moving train, but its actors all do a job of carrying that pace.

Forrest Gump (1994) 5/5

Living in a timepiece of America through Forest and Jenny is as touching today as it was back then. It is not just a touching story about overcoming adversity, that would be far too small for this grand tale.

Run Hide Fight (2020) 0.5/5

I did not know what this was before going into it. I picked a random movie and just went. It took very little time to be know it had to be some politically driven film. Then it gets way worse with all the speeches.

I don’t care who makes the movie, but this was so in-your-face trying to stroke its hero complex to full attention. Uneven acting and poor direction add to the films problems. I see some people calling it Die Hard in a school, how dare you.

The biggest thing? For a movie that tries to be shocking, it really is dull.