Categories: Movie and Series Reviews, Romance

Dave (1993) 3/5

Everything is stretched a bit and nothing from beginning to end is a surprise, but it is very cute and sometimes you just want an easy movie. Frank Langella has a scene that takes the cake and is legitimately memorable.

Forrest Gump (1994) 5/5

Living in a timepiece of America through Forest and Jenny is as touching today as it was back then. It is not just a touching story about overcoming adversity, that would be far too small for this grand tale.

Appaloosa (2008) 4.5/5

I saw Appaloosa years ago, and now again, and I still enjoyed it a lot. It is a very slow film with a lot of character, dialogue, and patience. Life slowly rolls by and even the action has a patient, audience-aware, build up. I admire its ability to eschew being over dramatized and keep interest.