Categories: Movie and Series Reviews, Thriller

The Island (2005) 1/5

Gosh this movie is so dumb, extending well beyond stupid-fun. Unnecessary scenes, poor cinematography, confused acting, and everything else that can go wrong. Nothing is surprising, not that it tries to be because it is all delivered with a clowns hammer.

What an absolute waste.

Split (2016) 4/5

James McAvoy carries this film on one of his many backs. Call me crazy, but I think Anya Taylor-Joy does a disservice to her role in comparison. Nothing egregious happens but I think the part allowed for a stronger presence at a few key moments and she never really got there.

The story itself is enjoyable but does not always unfold itself cleanly. I think some adjustments would elevate the movie further.

Longlegs (2024) 3/5

It is a bold movie but I felt like a lot was being overlooked. Mostly characters not acknowledging obvious things and not acting on their motivations like it would seem they should.

It was not all bad for me though, but the aggravations are akin to bad horror. Which is a shame, because so much of the movie is leagues above schlocky horror.