A movie you peel back again and again.
Categories: Movie and Series Reviews, Thriller
Atlas (2024) 1.5/5
There are a lot of neat parts here but it just doesn’t come together well, and I think that falls very heavily on the direction and the script.
Everything else ranges from serviceable to good. I am not a big JLo listener/watcher but I think I could see people wrongly putting it on her shoulders because her face is all over it. None of the actors felt like they were slacking off and the fx house did some neat work.
Boy Kills World (2023) 2.5/5
Some thrills are along the way to the inevitable arrival at exactly where you expect to arrive. The first half had some better carry than the closeout.
There is a post-credits scene but if you missed it, you didn’t miss anything.
End of Watch (2012) 3.5/5
End of Watch dances all over the line of over-the-top and plausible reality. Its characters are immensely watchable, even down to the supporting cast like Frank Grillo and David Harbour.
The character-perspective camera work captures the chaos in a unique way and furthers character development. However, it is also a distraction as the film explains in unbelievable ways why various characters are recording things. Ultimately though it feels unnecessary as the film mixes this documentary style with regular camera work.
Some of the script is really good, genuinely eliciting laughs, and some feels written with a hammer. The hammer can be said for a lot of things though, even outside of dialogue, with a movie that starts off with its lead cops immediately breaking their cover to walk up in a shoot out for the cool guys factor.
A really rough spot is the curbside gangsters, a constant villainous element throughout. These characters were comically mustache twirly. That could have worked fine, but they got too much screen time and it only greatly detracted.
It would be hard to have a bad time with End of Watch, just be ready to suspend some disbelief.
Mothers’ Instinct (2024) 2.5/5
I am fine mixing camp with serious, but it just felt a little directionless here. It also meanders a bit and there is not enough interesting dialogue or events to make it feel good to be a part of. They definitely set up for moments like that, especially in the later half, but nothing really stood out. No scene is going to stick with me.
I was really on board for the first half, it just doesn’t do well with its questions and suspense.